Still Life of Alabaster Vases against Egyptian Background

"Out of Egypt"
Oil on Panel
13" x 19"

Finished. Spent this morning tidying up. I concluded the salt cellar lid and glazed shadows to neutralize some of the blue. I did this to the background as well though it may shop up that way in the photo. I toyed with the cast shadow on the wall and lightened it by scumbling a bit but didn't change it by much. Highlights on the small vase in the background brought it to a finish. It will be on display at Gallery-9 this Saturday. Come take a gander.

Still Life Painting of Fiesta Ware and Two Eggs

Fiesta Ware and Three Eggs Oil on Panel 7" x 10"

Since hitting middle age, my favorite color has become red. Hmm. Some folks call it the menopause color. I prefer to think of it as the power color. In any case, I've always gravitated to warm colors. I'm a fall person - or so I've been told.

I have a solo show coming up on June 2nd at the Sequim Museum and Art Center.  This is one of the pieces created for the show.  It will be framed in a cathedral frame that sets it off beautifully.

I'd love to see you at my reception which will be held on June 2nd at the Sequim Museum and Art Center located at 
175 W Cedar St, Sequim, WA 98382.  Refreshments will be served. Come and have a look-see and then wander off to view the rest of the Sequim Gallery Walk.  

Oil Painting of Crystalline Glaze Tea Pot and Eggs

"Two for Tea"
Oil on Board, 9" x 12"

Hot off the easel. I just finished this little piece. Usually I paint by the north light that comes in from the large arched window in the studio. I started this under north light, however, here in Washington in the winter, the light fades fast and with so many overcast or rainy days, the light fades even faster in my studio. I like to paint in all day sessions but the fact that by 2:00, it's too dark, put a damper on my work day. So I added some artificial light to supplement. It did warm things up a bit and made it possible to work through the day, but I'm not entirely happy with the cast the light put on my set up. The shadows turned rather cool in response to the warmer light and the work just didn't have the same feel. I'm thinking that in the future, I'll either paint entirely in warm artificial light or just wait out the weather. Your comments are always welcome.